Aren’t electric heaters all the same?

Aren’t electric heaters all the same?

Most of the electric heaters that you will see online are convection heaters known as storage heaters or mid infrared glowing heaters. Convection heating work by warming up the cold air in the room and distributing this back out into the space. This means that the heater works hard to warm the air up, especially on cold days and the heat is then really easily lost through open windows and doors, meaning the heater then needs to work even harder. Therefore, these heaters average around 2KW – 3KW which we would replace with around 900w worth of far infrared heating.

The other electric heaters that you may come across are mid-infrared heaters. These are on the infrared spectrum but work on the visible end. This means that they produce a red glowing light and operate at around 1000°C. These heaters are often used in outdoor areas and are very warm when you are close to the heater. If you move away from the heater, you won’t be able to feel the heat. This is because the mid infrared waves do not travel as far but is more intense when closer up. You also find that, because of the high operating temperature, these heaters last a fraction of the time that far infrared heaters do.

Compared to the two above forms of heating, far infrared is cheaper to run, more aesthetically pleasing, more efficient and last much longer.